Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Pakistani Munafiqun, A door to Paradise?


It has happened. The Rubicon which for many naysayers have constantly established the LOC as a de facto redline has been crossed. The horrendous attack which involved the killing of 19 army Jawans led to swift and comprehensive offensive on many fronts. Diplomatically, Pakistan suddenly found itself engaging in a reactionary format to this multipronged attack. From a stern response by Sushma Swaraj at the United Nations, boycott by all members of the Saarc summit and a review of the Indus water Treaty, Pakistan was completely caught off guard. It then had to scramble to engage in a patchwork to repair the many growing cracks in its ‘invincible’ exterior.

This finally culminated in the surgical strikes last week on up to seven terrorist launch pads in Pakistan. Across a 250 km border on a moonless night multiple commandos crossed across the border before striking an almost unison. Reports vary as to how many terrorists as well as Pakistani Army personnel were eliminated. In either case it seems to be that nothing much has indeed remained of these various launch pads. 

What is impressive, is the short amount of time and the intelligence gathering that was available to the Indian Armed Forces to complete the thoroughly successful surgical strike. While reports of them being transported in the Dhruv helicopters are still coming out, what is certain is that a large part of the intelligence gathering was provided by Cartosat 2a  Indian built satellites launched from an Indian launcher the PSLV C34. (1)

In a country where the military almost consumes 7.6 billion dollars, headquarters at Rawalapindi finds it in a difficult position of being answerable to its people. (2) In a country where martial superiority is assumed on the very basis of just being Muslim, how does your average Pakistani introspect towards continual martial loss at the hands of the Infidel? 

I had earlier posted A I Akram’s biography on Khalid Bin Waleed and his reasoning for his great martial success. Throughout the book numerous references  suggest that the reason why Khalid Bin Waleed won many of his battles was for the simple reason that he was muslim. Indeed he often states that one muslim was equal to five non believers in strength. Interestingly enough A I Akram  himself fought and lost three wars against India. It thus explain his lifelong study and biography on a Arab far removed from the subcontinent, Khalid Bin Waleed to seek some mental solace for his own armies failure. This biography however  forms part of the core curriculum for any aspiring Pakistani cadet. (3)

Pakistan was carved out of India on the belief that muslims were a different identity and people with Islam being their guiding light towards success. Indeed throughout history Islamic conquerors were seen as being victors only because of their unshakable belief in Allah and his messenger.  Indeed the rewards to a muslim are detailed in rich booty acquired from slain armies, especially wives and daughters of the deceased. Muslim superiority are outlined in the rules of the Jiziya where a non muslim is expected to follow inane rules of keeping his house shorter than the house of a muslim or even the offering his new clothes to the muslim if he demands it. (4) Pakistanis still have notions have notions of grandeur that such extravagant living and concessions are their birthright and often pine for the days where such a silver spoon was readily offered, as in Mughal times gone by.

To extend this logic, if Pakistani’s are indeed God’s chosen people by almighty Allah, then why does the Pakistani nation repeatedly seem to lose every engagement  be it moral or martial to a land of unbelievers. Why does the Kafir nation seem to continually progress on so many different fronts be it  international, militarily or scientifically? Pakistan unfortunately remains only infamous for its terrorist accomplishments. While India places satellites different orbits of the earth and planets beyond, how do Pakistanis rationalize these ongoing achievements  by their most hated enemy?
If martial success  comes from the fact that the army is superior for the simple reason that they are muslim, what does repeated losses to the Indian armed forces actually mean? Unfortunately the truth here is rather blinding. Over the last 50 years Pakistan and Pakistanis themselves have had to contend with an uncomfortable fact…. 

A rising and successful India and repeated defeats to India on multiple fronts including militarily suggests that Islam itself is under threat. Much of his early history especially during the caliphate is of its success in spreading Allah’s teaching through prophet Muhammed by the sword. However post partition Pakistan has not had the same success as promised to it in dealing with Kufr as the Koran has promised. Indeed the situation seems to grow increasingly dire on a year-to-year basis while the non believing ‘enemy’ seems to continually increase in prosperity. 

This logic has led Pakistan to a uncomfortable strategy, absolute denial. Absolute denial of any army loss or any negative portrayal of Pakistan in the international media. As muslims following the word of Allah, from which their nation was carved, any loss militarily or diplomatically is not just a loss on the ego of Pakistan or Pakistanis but a very attack on their belief of Islam. 

Osama was never taken out by infidel Christian Americans. Multiple losses in India in 47, 65 and 71 simply never happened. Elimination of the whole NLI at Kargil, is simply Indian propaganda.(5) The Surgical Strike post Uri my friends did not happen either. How can it? If one muslim is equal to 5 non-believers as is often quoted then a staggering loss opens not only a loss to a nations ego, but a religious crisis in the heart of every Pakistani. 

For those that have given this some thought, Muslim society has forever warned against the dangers of such people calling them munafiq, truly disbelievers in their own hearts. The Koran itself has numerous warnings against such disbelievers, promising them hell fire for all eternity. Indeed there are even special lists to identify a munafiq which includes watching to see if he stands up earnestly during Zikr. If he doesn’t rise up with the proper vigor,he may indeed be a munafiq! The Lord alone knows how many have died because a munafiq was identified in this way!(6)

To all those that have pondered these thoughts and have been worried about the eternal fires of hell for pondering, rest assured that the rest of us, over 3 billion people of this world are with you oh munafiqun!
Most Pakistanis are now coming to understand that they themselves were Hindus and Indians a few generations back. Who knows why hundreds of thousands of Hindus may have converted during centuries past, by the sword or for personal economics gained during Islamic rule of India. However the wheel of Dharma keeps turning and has come full circle. Multicultural and multifaith India imbibing from Hindu values of openness and tolerance seems to be surging ahead on almost all fronts ahead of strictly Islamic Pakistan. 

No doubt in the coming days footage will be released by the Indian government in showing how over 50 terrorists again lost their lives to a multicultural although mainly Hindu Army. This is not the first time that it is happened and Pakistanis would well consider how such actions happen again and again. More Islam and more rigorous Islam has only shown to be more disastrous.

For those that have taken the initial journey to become a munafiq multiple rewards do we exist in this world for you to lead a successful and prosperous life without hatred and fear. More recently even well known Pakistanis such as Adnan Sami have made this first step.(7) Indeed in 2015 over 250 Pakistanis have left Pakistani soil to become Indians. Being a munafiqun, maybe the first step to truly breaking free of the mental shackles of imaginary suffering in the hereafter. Such freedom is available now for exploring the realms of logic and open questioning. Welcome to a earthly paradise! 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Khalid Bin Waleed : An Ideal Pakistani? :

Mahan ; We know that it is hardship and hunger that have brought you out of your lands. We will give every one of your men ten dinars, clothing and food if you return to your lands, and next year we will send you a similar amount.

Khalid : actually what is brought us out of our lands is that we are a people who drink blood, and it has reached us that there is no blood tastier than Roman blood. (1)

Khalid Bin Waleed is a national icon for many in the Muslim world. In Pakistan they have named their national battle tank after him. They have named their most prestigious line of submarines and even foreign legions after him. Bangladesh has named naval warships in his honor. Across the Arab world Khalid Bin Waleed has been a prestige figure, a icon and a hero to many.

As a companion to Mohamed Khalid Bin Waleed it was said was never defeated in battle. He has been given the great title of Saif ullah or the sword of Allah.

But who was this man really? Through his many battles, how is it that he succeeded coming out of Arabia against the mighty empires bordering Arabia being Persia and the Eastern Roman Empire.
I recently came across a biography written by A I Akram. Being born in pre independence India in Ludhiana Punjab he rose to become a prominent general in the early Pakistani Army. Indeed he was eventually superseded by  Zia Ul Haq himself, one of Pakistan’s long line of military dictators. (2) His book on the sword of  Allah Khalid Bin Waleed is often a primer for incoming officers into the Pakistani Army.

In this post I will try to analyze A I Akram’s reasons for Khalid Bin Waleed’s great success and hope that it may offer a line of thinking not just among the Pakistani Army but even among Pakistani elite which dominate and rule the demographics of Pakistan.
Khalid Bin Waleed came from a noble family of the Quaraish called the Bani Makhzum for which his father Al Waleed was chieftain. As many Arab families theirs was a trading family. Very early on however, Khalid grew to love the Martial sciences.  Arab men of the desert were great horsemen, and very early on this is one of the foremost skills that were taught to them. Wrestling too was an early sport that many of them competed in. Early parts of his book talk about Khalid wrestling his cousin Umar who would later become the Caliph and the both of them becoming champion wrestlers.

Much of the early book is also dwelt upon the injustices suffered by Mohammed in his tribe of the Quaraish for starting to preach about Islam and the one God Allah. While he gained followers he was quickly ostracized by a many of his tribe. I will not dwell on the supposedly injustices here and follow this on a later blog post.
Mohamed’s preaching split the old Arab custom and worship of many gods into two opposing sides. Those who believed in old Arab customs to many gods primarily Hubal and Mohamed now preaching for Allah who was supposedly the moon god in the pantheon.
This eventually led to the first of the great battles of the Quaraish with the initial battle being one by the Muslims at the battle of Badr. It seems that Khalid Bin Waleed did not participate in this battle as he was away at the time.

In the second battle Khalid Bin Waleed leading the forces with his longtime friend Ikrimah led the Quaraish to victory at the battle of Uhud. He would do this by instituting one of his long time favorite flanking maneuvers. Oftentimes he would lead an elite and hard trained corps that at his command would quickly flank the enemy and institute continual hit-and-run tactics to break the sides of the opposing army. He would often use this technique on many occasions and often times flank not only on both sides of the Army but even his horse riders would often ride around to the back of the Army and attack from there as well. This would often lead to confusion in the opposing ranks as they would often have to face hit-and-run battles on many flanks at once.

Indeed it is interesting to note that even Mohammed leading his forces at the battle of Uhud, would fail against Khalid Bin Waleed using this flanking maneuver.
A I Akram throughout his book makes it essentially clear that the primary reason why Khalid was so successful was because of his conversion to become a Muslim. He does not make it clear what made Khalid to make the choice, but it seems that politically Khalid knew the days of the Meccan tribe Quaraish were numbered and he made the forward thinking choice to join the winning side.
 Within a few months after Uhud, Khalid would be battling against former lifelong friends such as Ikrimah that he shouldered side to side with. Indeed Islam cancels all friendships. 
What follows is a siege of battles with Khalid being commander first under Mohammed and then under the first Caliph off Abu Bakr. He led them to sensational victories in the Arab apostasy wars, then against Persia and then against the great Eastern Roman Empire.
A I Akram throughout the book and on numerous occasions makes it clear that those who faced Khalid and who were non-Muslims were deserving of the brutal and total destruction of their peoples. He often refers to them of the people of disbelief, infidels, hypocrites and liars.Here he already sets the tone of dehumanizing many of the tribes who opposed Khalid.

Before engaging in battle the opposing force was often only given three choices. To call the coming to prayer (Azaan), which meant conversion of the whole opposing army to Islam, to submit to the Islamic Army and accept Dhimmi status or to engage in battle. Upon engaging in battle this would often lead to complete destruction of the male members of society with the female members being taken as slaves and concubines.

A I Akram makes his glee for such battles entirely visible. For in destruction of the opposing forces he would often describe the riches and pleasures that would often come with the victory. This is often referred to as booty and such was greed for booty, that many Arab males would enlist into the Army for a share of the spoils. One scene comes to mind, where Khalid would chase down Thomas of Damascus after three days of peace because of his deep pain on seeing Thomas vacate Damascus with all of its riches. Khalid Bin Waleed raised his elite corps after three days and chased down Thomas through various shortcuts to reach them, to make sure the booty did not escape. Needless to say the entire populace of Damascus was butchered and the precious booty retained.(3)

This Booty as previously mentioned would especially include wives of the demolished men for Khalid and the Muslims pleasure. A I Akram’s lust for this seems quite obvious and it seems that not even Muslim men’s wives could be safe from Khalid’s desire.
Indeed during the apostasy wars Malik Bin Nuwairah, a leader for the Bani Yarbu decided to surrender. Having seen what Khalid did to Salma and her tribe, Malik decided to oppose the destruction of the male members of his tribe and seek forgiveness. A I Akram would describe his wife Laila as the beautiful maiden with lovely legs and gorgeous eyes who instantly aroused Khalid on seeing her. When they were both brought before him and professed their faith for Islam, Khalid scoffed at Malik assertions and promptly had him beheaded on the charge of apostasy. Laila had barely a chance to mourn before she was briefly wedded to Khalid to warm his bed the very night!(4)
In another instance A I Akram would state that Khalid had next special fondness for the woman of the defeated Chieftains that he faced. In fighting the Christian Arabs of Daumat ul Jandal, Khalid had the opposing chiefs daughters bought for his personal pleasure right after the beheading of their father Judi.(5)

A I Akram makes it clear that the reason for success for the Muslims was that because primarily they were Muslims. In any battle even with numerical superiority each Muslim accounted for 4 to 5 of enemy combatants. Thus even with a numerically much stronger army they were soundly trounced by the Muslims because of their inferior strength both in body and belief. An example of this is during the apostasy wars again in fighting the Hawazin and the Thaqeef  where the muslims were greatly outnumbered. Here again the rewards for killing all the disbelievers were great with the Muslims capturing approximately 6000 woman children and slaves.(6)

Later on in the book he even goes so far as to say that champion warriors like Dhiraar the half naked warrior, (because he would often fight with his shirt off!)  once chased 19 Romans and killed them off one by one. It was only because of Khalid’s insistence that this was a reconnaissance mission he returned otherwise he might have dealt with the whole Roman army himself!(7)
How were Muslims so successful at defeating larger armies? Well if each Muslim accounted for 4 to 5 men than one-on-one combat was an easy affair. Apparently , prior to the main battle individual commanders from Khalid’s hard battle corps would take on commanders from the other army on one-to-one challenges.  These were all easy one battle affairs for the Muslims killing all key commanders in the opposing army even before the battle started thus crushing the moral of the opposing force before the battle even began.

This was quite evident in the battle with the Persians and later Roman armies.  Khalid killing Hormuz who was the Persian commander prior to the battle of chains is one such example.  Many times Khalid would crush his opponents with his bare hands such as the Roman Harbees where he bear hugged and crushed the life out of him.(8)
These pre-battles would serve to completely demoralize the opposing troops much before the battle began. Many other tactics included night strikes catching enemy combatants completely unawares. Also he would employ his flanking maneuvers once again with the raids on all sides completely confusing the enemy.

Khalid greatest battle however was the defeat of the Eastern Roman Emperor Heraclius at the battle of Yarmouk which led to the Muslims completely occupying Syria. His great stratagem here was to withdraw many of the forts that he had occupied previously with stationary Muslim commandants and to amass the Muslim Army down south at Yarmouk waiting for Heraclius. After six days of intense fighting and using the riverbank as an impassable barrier on the southern side Khalid again would launch one of his well-rehearsed flanking maneuvers to the side and behind from the Army. In fact he would send Dhiraar, the half naked champion a night before to completely circuit the Roman army and attack them as well from behind. This would lead to a crushing blow of Roman Christians in Syria leaving Heraclius to completely abandon the Middle East for all time.(9)
Shortly before the battle of Yarmouk, the first Caliph Abu Bakr had passed away. In his place came his old cousin Umar who had apparently always looked at Khalid unfavorably. What followed is negative hostility between the two with Umar finally dismissing him at the height of his success. We cannot be entirely sure as to why but it seems that the great general Khalid was caught indulging in rubbing alcohol on his body for medicinal means. Another account states he dismissed him for his extravagance in giving 10,000 dirhams to a poet singing in praise of Khalid. On both accounts Khalid would protest saying that this was only rubbing alcohol and that the money was given from his own pocket but to no avail.

One may lead these initial rumors to their final logical thought. Khalid’s extravagance, lust for women and now even likely drinking of alcohol could not be forgiven by a more disciplined and religious Umar. Abu Bakr forgave Khalid past transgressions which had even included killing of Muslims who was staying among infidels because of his military success!(10). Umar would have none of it and may have even seen him as a threat to his own rule. He was promptly dismissed of the height of his command and the expansion in Syria slowed with his dismissal.
His lifestyle completely changed Khalid Bin Waleed retired  to Homs in Syria. A few years later, it a great plague of Amawas rising out of the East swept through Syria killing most of his family and friends. In fact it is said that he lost 40 sons in the epidemic and most of his family as well. Dhiraar the half naked champion who single-handedly killed 19 Romans succumbed like many of his compatriots to the plague . In 642 Khalid himself was taken ill by disease although not specifically described as plague. Lying on his deathbed with only a slave to his side Khalid would cry these last words ;

“I die even as a camel dies. I die in bed, in shame. The eyes of cowards do not close even in sleep”

He was later buried at the Mosque of Khalid Bin Waleed in Homs Syria where many of the faithful still visit to see him and get inspired.
Inspired how? A I Akram born in British India as an Indian Muslim and later becoming a high prominent general in the Pakistani Army sought himself to learn Arabic and travel to the Middle East to resurrect the story of Khalid Bin Waleed. His inspirational story in fighting many battles, taking many wives as his wife and in accumulating much wealth in the form of booty seems to inspire A I Akram. It’s a sad fact to see that many Pakistanis who were Hindus converted by the religious doctrine of Sufism now see Khalid Bin Waleed as a champion to the cause.

In in leading and fighting three wars with infidel and hypocritical India ending in defeat A I Akram must have looked for some reasoning. For many Pakistanis who truly believe in the superiority of the believers against disbelief, the constant loss causes great questions to their own faith, including A I Akram it seems.  Although far removed from Arab culture,  Pakistanis have looked to Khalid Bin Waleed and the sword of Allah as their motivation it seems for continued attack on those who disbelief.  
India and its land of idols, it’s prosperity and its woman were a draw for many Islamic conquerors who looked to Khalid as their motivation. In reading through the book one can’t help but think of A I Akram own belief in his superiority as a Muslim to any other disbelieving human. While Hindus talk of Vasudevai Kutumbam being the world as one family, A I Akram talks of hypocrites and disbelief. Any action ending in victory is sanctioned if it is a victory for the Muslims.  Indeed rape, mass slaughter of captured victims, greed for booty, even killing of Muslims is all sanctioned if it leads to the greater good of the Ummah.
Sadly this prevailing thought has no better word than muslim Supremacism. Reading through the Pakistani newspapers, one can slowly start to understand the venom and bile thrown towards a openly secular India that has sheltered thousands of refugee communities through history.
The danger lies in the spread of such ideas. I can think of one example where Pakistani generals in their desperate attempt to hold onto East Bangladesh indulged in mass rape of tens of thousands of Bangladeshi women to breed out their inferior genes with superior Pakistani Muslim men. A conservative number by the Bangladeshi government lists close to 200,000 rapes with up to 70000 abortions in the first 3 months. The decimation of minorities and the exodus of hindus to India is a extension of this Supremacism. (11) (12)
Pakistanis would well remember the final days of Khalid. Lying on his bed and suffering from pain, inflicted by disease Khalid reaped what he sowed in miseries inflicted on the tens of thousands victims for the spread of Islam. His entire family demolished by the plague and only a servant at his final bed serves a fitting reminder that no one, even Muslims evades the Law of Karma.

“It is Desire, it is anger, born of rajas. It is a voracious eater, a great sinner. Know it to be the enemy!”

Gita Chapter 3 verse 37

(1)  Khalid Bin Waleed : Sword of Allah ; A I Akram pg 256

(2) A I Akram

(3) Khalid Bin Waleed : SoA; A I Akram pg 259

(4) Khalid Bin Waleed : SoA ; A I Akram pg 113

(5) Khalid Bin Waleed : SoA ; A I Akram pg 181

(6) Khalid Bin Waleed : SoA ; A I Akram pg 70

(7) Khalid Bin Waleed : SoA ; A I Akram pg 211

(8) Khalid Bin Waleed : SoA ; A I Akram pg 241

(9) Khalid Bin Waleed : SoA ; A I Akram pg 283

(10) Khalid Bin Waleed : SoA ; A I Akram pg pg 181

(11) Supremacism

(12) Rape during the Bangladesh Liberation War

Monday, November 2, 2015

Satyameva Jayate!


 I read the news today and Irfan Habib has compared the RSS to ISIS. Here is a prominent Muslim from India having studied, then teaching at the Aligarh Muslim university. Other personalities have stepped in to argue the same line of aggression towards the Hindus. Intolerance is rising they scream. Intolerance is rising they shout, but really where is it?

I’m left searching recent random acts of violence, but can random acts of violence spur such aggression to compare the RSS with ISIS? Any rational mind searching the net will see horrendous atrocities committed by ISIS that includes genocidal violence against the Yazidis.(1) ISIS decapitates pregnant ladies that refuse to have sex with their fighters.(2) They have committed historical atrocities in the destruction of Palmyra and left tens of thousands bleeding bodies in the dirt. How on earth can the most savage Muslim organization be compared to the RSS? Is any of this justified?

In comparison the RSS has a large voluntary organization that was among the first to land in Nepal recently to help with relief efforts.(3) Often times they are the first responders to major national disasters in India pulling people out of the rubble instead of beheading them.
A logical analysis then would ask, what is the motive? Why the massive upsurge in media reports regarding Hindu intolerance? Consider the recent multiple church attacks where only time has showed not one Hindu group involved. While multiple protests erupted in Delhi over the ‘attacks’ , not one media organization followed through on the investigations…which revealed children stone throwing, a short circuit of wiring of a crib and a jilted lover behind a fire as causes.(4)

While Dadri was a horrible random act by a few guilty personnel, can the prime minister be responsible for every act of homicide amongst 1.2 billion people?  Indeed where is the media coverage for this poor Hindu soul murdered by another Muslim family? (5)

Repeat violators are the English media organizations such as NDTV and multiple personalities that have come on the news in recent times. How has such delusion managed to take hold on a repetitive ad nauseum basis? There are no easy answers to these questions; in fact what is painful is that many of these writers and artists are Hindus themselves championing the Hindu hate against minorities. Why on earth would they do this? I am reminded of stories I wrote earlier in my Blog, Hindus fighting with Muslims against Hindus at the Battle of Talikota.  Hindus allying with Muhammed Ghori in killing other Hindus. Hindus allying with the British to kill other Hindus. (6) Today’s Hindus allying with the Christian Congress in a media propaganda war against their own religion. Why?

In my mind I can only place it to personal greed and gain. However such greed has horrible ramifications, it has the blood of numerous silent deaths of Hindus within India that never make the headlines. While these same personalities return awards for Dadri, not one has ever mentioned the two Hindu boys lynched that started the Muzaffarnager riots barely two hours from Dadri.(7) Indeed  gruesome Hindu deaths such as the above are a weekly event quietly ignored by all.

Read more news of our surroundings and you ignore the quiet genocide of Hindus in Pakistan, where India is now sheltering Hindu refugees streaming across the Border. (8) As ISIS butchers Yezidis, Christians and Muslims tens of thousands have made the march to Europe. As Pakistan butchers it’s Hindus, we are now feeling this wave. This is the effect of genocide Mr Irfan Habib! Death on a mass scale! How in the world can the RSS a voluntary organization compare to these murderous Muslim Jihadi outfits?Where are these prominent personalities in shunning this genocide on our doorstep?

Hindu principles are based on Adhikari Bhera, the right of an individual to choose his own deity and form of worship. It does not matter if you worship a tree, or a cow or a piece of rock for the divine is present in all including yourself. Through personal meditation the great Rishis discovered the ancient great truth that in recognition of the divinity that exists within you, only compassion and eagerness to serve the Lord can follow. In recognition of the divine that exists within you, may all your earthy suffering be eliminated.

Indeed such compassion towards humans and animals has made India the refuge of multiple communities and the last few animals not hunted down by our Abrahamic Brethren. Tibetans, Zorastrians, Syrian Christians, Ahmediyya muslims, Bahai, Atheists and Jews have all found refuge here. Animals like the Asiatic lion hunted to extinction in the rest of the world has found it’s refuge at the feet for mother Durga. Make No mistake, the reason is simple, it is Hindu compassion that has spared the life of millions while millions of us have been food for the sword.

I make this fervent plea. Support the BJP, support Narendra Modi and support a resurgent Hindu India! Support the BJP in the upcoming Bihar elections against the personal greed of Hindus such as Nitish Kumar and Laloo Prasad. Open your eyes to the silent ongoing genocide against us and take action! Satyameva Jayate!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Christians who cried Wolf.

As a follow on to my last post I wanted to comment on the ongoing impression of the 'crisis' that is ongoing in relation to Christian freedom in India. I am reminded of the time honored tale of Aesop,  the boy who cried wolf when watching the English Indian media today.(1a)  
While viewing through the historical 'looking glass' it seems nothing changes from a Christians perspective to malign all those who have not placed their blinding faith in Jesus, the messiah. Time tested tactics and significant resources with regard to funding are used to convert uneducated and tribal Hindus, often leading to significant harm in many rural areas of India. I would hope here to articulate some of the tactics used by the Christians in their zeal to destroy many of the world religions.

Natural Disasters  : 

Karmanyevadhikaraste, ma phalesu kadachana, ma karmaphalaheturbhurma te sango’ stvakarmani

Christians have always seen natural disasters and calamities as the most convenient time to evangelize. During a time of crisis and fear, when one's belief and mind are shaken by the most intense trauma, a helping hand and kind words can often imprint and be life changing. During the plague of Cyprian in the 2nd century, millions were affected and the misery of death was a daily occurrence. During this time, while state machinery and the army were finding it difficult to cope, Christians seemed to mobilize effectively with the driving belief to convert many on their deathbed. Doing so in the hope that they would be saving many new Christians from the hellfire and their salvation was assured. (1b)

Fast forward to 2004 and nothing much seems to have changed. During the tsunami, many evangelical groups saw the disaster as an opportunity to hand out food with Bibles and hold daily prayer meetings.

To quote Kp Yohannan an important Indian evangelist during the aftermath of the Tsunami disaster on its description :
" one of the greatest opportunities that god has given us to share his love with the people". (2)

The pope himself has gone on record to say that charity is the best way to evangelize.

Previously I had questioned the gospel literary account to act with such drive and found it lacking. (3) The Indian disaster management of force of volunteers and the army rapidly swung into action to assist as many as they could. Yet it seems however natural disasters are prime conversion grounds for the Christians to pursue their agenda, and within days Christians arrived with bibles and food packages in hand. Whichever way you look at it, it leaves a bad taste for such charity work is simply opportunism, taking advantage of those less fortunate in a desperate situation.

The verse above is a stark contrast the Hindu view of charity. From the Gita, Lord Krishna teaches that in any action we perform, try to perform the action with a prayerful attitude and realize that the fruit of any action is given by the Lord himself. To act with a prayerful attitude and without any agenda is in stark contrast to a personal drive to gain souls for the faith.

Christian Suffering or Self Victimization?

Christians have always tried to use the emotion of suffering to their advantage. Suffering often evokes deep personal sympathy and often times the illusion of being persecuted can be a powerful sleight of hand to mask further atrocities that are ongoing. 

From ancient Roman times, Christians have been the masters of propaganda. It is well known than for many troubled Christians of the time, martyrdom and death in emulating their savior was a avenue for escapism and suicide for the troubled. Belief in paradise and eternity spent enjoying the fruits of heaven seemed like a better option for many than struggling through the daily routines of 2nd century roman life. Today this is akin and brings to mind many troubled youth in waging Jihad with ISIS to die as a Shaheed.

One Roman governor in Tunisia is reported to have said, that there are many trees to hang from and many cliffs to jump from, if Christians wanted to kill themselves. Just stop pestering me....(for Christians that wanted to die in the arena).

Roman persecution of the Christians was indeed quite rare and for the most part Rome itself was a multi religious society that accepted all faiths. However, most Christians need to victimize themselves into feeling a serious connection to their savior. Fast forward to today and we've often seen multiple 'attacks' on Christians and their places of worship in India today.  How many of these stories are actually genuine?

I decided to delve a little deeper into the latest of these minority atrocities, being the recent case in Hisar. It seems that a Christian bought a piece of land in the middle of a Hindu district for what was labeled as a new house and then illegally started to build a church.(4) Not only this, he started to create more disharmony by trying to convert many of his neighbors. Faced with a frustrating situation, many of the neighbors took action against the illegal construction and broke down sections of the Church.

The Pastor immediately raised concern that he was being persecuted which was quickly caught onto by many media channels and reliably broadcast by our Christian owned English media with Prannoy Roy NDTV leading the fray. (His niece Arundhati Roy another well known Christian regularly spews anti Hindu and anti India venom). (5)
The cycle of victimization starts again as here we have another pastor suffering for his Church, another martyr in the making in trying to raise his damaged Cross among the brutal Hindu Heathen.

In any country however, any illegal action to raise a place of worship without the right authorization would have never gotten off the building blocks so to speak. In India however, it forms the basis for polarization, Hindu hatred and Christian victimization.

Truth is, on closer examination,  it is we us Hindus who are suffering and with no media coverage. Any attempt to broadcast the actual truth is swiftly met with dismissal. Beware the Hindus that actually take the effort to educate the recently converted. Swami Lakshminanda and his four disciples who sought to expose the missionaries agenda in Orissa, was brutally murdered with numerous Christians being held.(6) No progress has been made in this case...and it seems to have escaped common Hindu memory. 

Likewise, newly converted Christians attacking Hindus in the North East are rarely broadcast or documented. Its seems no people have suffered as much as we have with constant attacks by on all sides by the various Abrahamic religions.(7) Thousands of Indians lose their lives every year to religious terrorism but unfortunately when Indians die without a belief in Jesus or Mohammed, their lives do not matter and quickly consigned to short term memory.

Christian rule and Hindu accomplices:

What really led to the death of the old Roman Empire and religion was conversion of the emperor Constantine and his state sponsored programs to fund Churches and stop funding to the ancient temples of Rome. It comes down to simple economics, stop the funding and the death of a culture and religion can quickly follow. Christian terrorism on people of Old Roman Religion and the dearth of funds effectively led to the death of the old Roman way of living.

A parallel can be made to India today as most devotees funds to the temple are effectively taken by the state and central government, to finance programs that include building of Churches and Mosques! The dearth of funds has led to many temples and priests becoming debilitated, while under Sonia Gandhi and her progeny the growth of Pastors and Churches has seen a significant spike.
Not only had that, but conversion of the Roman emperor led to empowerment of the Bishops in government. Holding positions of power, they quickly passed laws culminating in the eventual banning of the Roman religion 40 years later under Theodosius. Under Sonia Gandhi, we've seen a rise in the number of Christians who held power in the Rajya Sabha which includes Ambika Soni, Ajit Jogi, AK Antony and YSR Reddy to name just a few.

Today the spectrum seems to include more Christians who openly show their distaste for Hindus such as Derek O Brien of the Trinamool congress. He constantly hollers that all those who have studied in a Christian school in India hold mass protests against new Hindu BJP government.  Many other chief ministers in the North East as well as Kerala are noted to be Christian as well. The ground work is well set for many of these political Christians to use state funds and misuse finances into building Churches. They then claim victimization when any of these illegal settlements are removed. Many Christians such as the late YSR wife in Andhra made no attempt at a cover when she openly stated that state funds would be used to build Churches and fund the salaries of pastors. Is it no wonder then about the massive conversion numbers that Andhra is experiencing? Here is another example of the newly formed Telengana government into funding a Christian Bhavan using state funds.(8a)

What troubles me are that so many Hindu accomplices in the congress government who seem to be promoting the above for their own personal gains. The list is indeed long and exhaustive to name, but one has to often spend a few moments on why it is that such Hindus throughout history have always allied with forces inimical to the faith. I can only think of this: Covert conversion and crusading for the faith or overwhelming greed for their own personnel gains.
It seems we are our own worst enemy in allying with enemies against the Hindus. (8b)

Indian tolerance for all  :

Roman religion was exceeding tolerant and for that reason, it seems to have suffered. The Christians had a dedicated game plan which included victimization, martyrhood, malicious conversion, rise of political leadership, slander, implementation of favorable laws before the final rise of overt terrorism.

Hinduism has sheltered many faiths from all around the world which include all the branches of Islam, Judaism, Tibetan Buddhists and the largest community of practicing Zoroastrians. The largest congregations of Baha’i are now in India free now to practice their faith without any persecution. Sikhs and Jains born of the motherland have only grown from strength to strength. Many early Christian groups flourished under grants and funding from Hindu Kings themselves.
It pains me to see that Christians today are at the forefront of trying to demonize the very religion and state that gave them shelter for over a thousand years. Make no mistake, as it is the religious tolerance for all religions that stems from Hinduism itself and not some western construct as some Hindu apologists would state as specified in the Indian constitution.

What happens though with conversion is self-loathing and a new unshakeable conviction to spread a poorly understood message of the new Christian faith. The seed of hatred against oneself and community has been planted. What grows unfortunately is a conviction from biblical scripture of religious apartheid that the new Christian should be a world apart from his prior life and community. What flowers is self-absorbed mission to prove their worth to the new faith by publically attacking their old way of life. Each conversion brings another crusader willing to victimize himself as Jesus did to gain more followers to the faith.

Rome fell post the rapid Christianization of the empire and the same tactics are shown to resonate in India today. At its height with protection from the government under the UPA regime, Christian attacks on Hindus and state sponsored Church planting have become all too common. Any observation to the contrary is quickly denounced as oppression by the Christian English media, specifically NDTV among others. What follows once Christians are in the majority are an alteration of state laws to promote Christianity and violence against Hindus while claiming oppression.

At its height, reading about the Goa inquisition serves as a gruesome reminder of what may happen to Hindus in a Christian dominated land. We may not be burned alive at the stake anymore but living under the threat of gun violence as seen from the North East is a all possible reality.

Our Personal Effort :

As I rack my brains about how to counter the disinformation raised around, I can only answer with counter education. Newly converted Christians would do well to educate themselves on Christ who was declared a God by a gathering of Bishops convened by Constantine himself. The man Christ became God over the course of a few days at the council of Nicea.(9) Their Bible is a conglomeration of selective Gospel picking by one man.(10) Their history is stained with blood violence in the blinding belief that Christ asked for all to hear the word of the gospel.

Hindus would do well to learn the above and perhaps discuss such issues with Christians themselves. The media slander must be countered by Hindus standing up and countering the disinformation on a individual and group level. Educated Hindus must seek out like minded individuals and publically make their voices heard.

On a personal level however, I’ve often found it beneficial to understand the basic tenets of the faith that has protected millions through the millennia. As conceived by the ancient Rishi's it's teachings about humanity and tolerance have persisted, and can be valuable to a new Hindu initiate with a poor concept about what it truly is that he is trying to defend. While I would elaborate on my own personal journey, I would leave that discussion for another time and merely direct the initiate to a valuable resource that has helped my own understanding of the Hindu faith.(11)

Support of Hindu temples and their plight towards funding is another issue that needs to be raised. As I’ve previously tried to discuss, without the appropriate funding whole temples and their Acharyas simply close down as they try to support their families through different means.(12) In their space comes the well-funded Christian NGO’s to spread more disharmony among the least educated and most impressionable.

One would think that with the BJP government and Narendra Modi voted to power, some of the above issues may be addressed. However what I have seen is a surge of anti Hindu propaganda and continual victimization of the Christians supported by the Catholic Gandhi family and their media outlets.
The government needs your support and your voice to be heard. In educating yourself on a personal level, funding the temples and joining Hindu organizations we may yet be able to hold back the biblical wave encompassing India.

Links : 

1a) The Boy Who Cried Wolf

1b) Christianity and the Death of Rome

2) Some Christian groups spread supplies - and the word They see disaster relief as an opportunity to create converts.
Kp Yohannan : Brain off, Jesus on, Wallet Out.

3) Souls to be saved

4) VHP defends attack on Hisar Church, Haryana CM says built is a illegal colony.

5) Who owns your media?

6) Murder of Swami Lakshmanananda

7) Terror in the Name of Christ in Northeast

8a) KCR announces Christian Bhavan with Rs. 10 cr

8b) Vijayanagara and Contempory lessons.

9) Nicene Creed

10) Athanasius of Alexandria

11) Arsha Bodha Center

12) What do Hindu temples do with their income?
What really happens to your money in Temple Hundi?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Christianity and the Death of Rome

A picture can often say a thousand words, it is said. Alexamenos is seen worshipping a crucified man with the head of a donkey.(1a) Scratched into a wall, near the palatine hill in Rome it casts a clue as to the confrontation that existed between Romans and the rising number of the Christians. What ran through the mind of that Roman as he scratched that image into the wall? How was this new upcoming religion of Christianity challenging devotees to Jupiter, Apollo and Venus. How did Christianity effectively destroy a way of life for millions within a matter of two centuries? Here I will try to step back in time and get a glimpse to answer the question of the ultimate triumph of Jesus over Jupiter.

Roman Daily Living :

Dionysius our graffiti artist above, after his artwork would have decided to head to the temple of Jupiter. Upon entering he would have seen a massive statue of Jupiter, flanked by Juno and Minerva on either side. Ancient Romans would always note the 'manifest presence' of the gods in their lives. Gods existed in the everyday lives of Romans, they involved themselves, and for those pious they would often appear to help their devotees. A popular story comes to mind from the mythology of Aesop, where a wagon driver having gotten his wagon stuck in the mud, appeals to Hercules, while sitting in the wagon. Hercules appears and reminds him : O Wagon Rider! Have you not stepped out of your wagon and made any effort? The Gods help those who help themselves! (1b) 
For those that were pious, there are numerous stories and sightings of the Gods presenting to help and advise them.
One may read the thoughts of Marcus Aurelius, acknowledge his reverence for the gods and ponder on the greatness of his work.(2) Many lines capture the same, for a example :
VII 6 : All things are implicated with one another, and the bond is holy; and there is hardly anything unconnected with any other things. For things have been coordinated, and they combine to make up the same universe. For there is one universe made up of all things, and one god who pervades all things, and one substance, and one law, and one reason.

All could worship of their own accord as long as they remained good citizens and occasionally offered sacrifice to the gods. Offering sacrifice often meant taking an animal of value and giving to the god of your choice, which could be a bloody affair. Most times though, cheese, wine or milk would have sufficed. As a good roman citizen, you would ensure health to the empire,Caesar and yourself thorough sacrifice.
Into this world was born Christ and his teachings would say that there is only one father in heaven and no one can reach him except through him.(3) In fact most could only be saved by hearing the good news of the gospel. Without such good news, you were damned to a eternity of hell.  With his death,  a few stalwart missionaries spread out to "save" as many as they could. Christians could not accept any other God then God in heaven as described by Jesus and the spirit of God descended into Jesus himself. Christians could not partake anymore in the rituals of their ancestors, breaking even family traditions,  feeling to live out their lives as instructed by Jesus for a better life in the hereafter. Not just the promise of a better life, but the promise that if such teachings were denied, the hellfire would be theirs for the hereafter.

Armageddon here and now : 

Early Christianity would preach extensively that Armageddon or the day of judgement was just around the corner, and would whip up fervor in town centers to accept the word of Christ before it was too late. For those that did not accept, a life of hellfire awaited thee. Many would think that natural disasters and the coming plagues were a initial start to the coming Armageddon.
Indeed when the great plague of Cyprian struck in 250 AD many Romans would blame the plague on the anger of the Gods.(4)
Millions caught the plague and many millions died. Millions suffered great pain daily in the pestilence and horrors felt within and seen around them. Trying to appease the Gods with sacrifices would have had little benefit in the massive human crisis they faced and done little to assuage the fear in light of thousands dying daily in the plague.

Into this vacuum stepped a more organised Christian community.  Christians were much more organised then many central services including the army which was taking it's own casualties. They were often the first responders to help plague affected victims as their crucified messiah often did through his life. However the message was two fold, Armageddon had arrived and only in the belief of Jesus may you be saved in this life and from the hellfire in the hereafter. In view of desperate salvation from pain now and the hereafter, many Romans placed their faith and service to Christ. Through fear and coercion Christians managed to turn large numbers of the populace to their cause.  Christians may be commended for their social service, but service with the agenda to convert, takes the shine from service to help the needy. 

Martyrdom :

We do not know why Perpetua or her companions were taken to prison.(5) What we are given is a glimpse into the thought process of her mind, through her diaries. For whatever crime she did against the Roman empire, she refused to act as any Roman might. Christian accounts paint a heart wrenching story of her refusing beseeching pleas from her father to offer sacrifice to the gods and the health of the roman empire. The Empire did not care if you were Christian or not as long as you did your civic duty to the empire in Sacrifice, showing that you wished well for the health of the empire and were proud to be Roman. Her father would come and beseech her to conform, to live and perform the duties of a daughter and a mother to her new born. She however would often think of him as demented in his "old age".  Instead she only thought to die suffering as her God had done to provide her direct access to heaven, as was promised to all martyrs dying in the service of Christ. 

We read of a gruesome story of her facing a enraged bull and when broken by his horns, standing in front of a quivering gladiator, she plunged his Gladius into her throat. Romans could not understand the multitudes of Christians trying to commit martyrdom as their suffering God did. Supposedly however, such suffering did convince a significant number of Romans to appreciate their faith and investigate more. 

Glorification of martyrdom became a backbone of of the faith, a spiritual path to follow for those walking in the footsteps left behind by no less than than the Messiah himself.

A women's touch? 

What is impressive is the emphasis of personal communication in the Christian community. Stories are abound of solitary Christians acting as individual missionaries to spread the faith. Paul himself gives thanks to numerous women in the early church who gave considerable support to the movement.
Lydia of Phillipi was a wealthy lady and owner of a flourishing business in purple cloth who converted and then converted her whole household on hearing the apostle Paul.(6) She would often hold many congregations in her house. Paul again speaks of Priscilla and Aquilla multiple times and says at least on one occasion, they saved his neck. It seems that women in the 1st century seemed to be attracted to Christianity as it gave them a more prominent space in society.
Women are often given mention as to greatly influencing their male consorts such as Clotilde who managed to convert her husband, the great Frankish King Clovis.(7) Marcia the concubine to Roman emperor Commodus, is said to have spared many Christians from hard labor by her favors.(8)
Christ himself is said to have spent a great deal of personal time with one of his disciples, Mary Magdalena even going so far as to give her special secret teaching and in one broken line in the gospel of Phillip kissing her on the (.......) (9)
Many have filled in the blanks as to mean the mouth. She stands tall amongst the gathering of disciples revealing such  teaching to the frustration of Peter who is upset that a woman should have had such instruction. 
Women during the early Christian years seems to have offered much to the growth of the fledgling movement, before slowly being removed from authority and firmly pushed to the sideline.

Constantine : 

What seems to have really led the surge of Christianity and the death of the Roman Gods however is the conversion of the great emperor Constantine. In trying to reconquer Rome from his rival Maxentius he was influenced by a fire and light show from the heavens, what many now regard as a meteorite that slammed into the earth creating a dust storm. (10) Through the haze, Constantine thought he saw the sign of the Chi Rho the first two letters of Christs name and a booming sound that exclaimed 'By this sign conquer!' Constantine went on to defeat his rival Maxentius to take Rome and then kill his brother in law Licentius to take command of the whole roman empire.
What follows is state sponsored campaign to provide toleration to the Christians and a massive funding campaign to build churches with no funding to the temples. He convened the first Christian council at Nicaea, where the man Jesus was declared to be a God. His newly converted mother Helena went off to the Holy land where she identified the place of Jesus Crucifixion and had a temple to Jupiter torn down to build the Church of the holy sepulchre.(11)
This spells the beginning of the end for the gods of old. Constantine seems to have fully engaged his new religion by demonizing the old. He would call any offering or sacrifice to the gods as 'foul pollution'. Emboldened by their new protected status given by the emperor, Christians would go on the offensive, breaking idols and destroying temples. In a span of 30 years, Christian torture of unbelieving Romans, destruction and conversion of their religious sites led to the death of the old roman religion.(12) 

Dionysius our character may have been living through this time. He might have seen veneration to the gods at the great temples decline. He may have even seen destruction of a few temples firsthand.  While carving the head of the donkey on the body of a man being crucified, we may even understand his plight, if he was being terrorized. 

Roman religion was exceedingly tolerant and for that reason, it seems to have paid the price. By trying to accept all religions into it's fold and allowing a foot hold for Christianity to grow, it sowed a seed where Christians first loyalty would never be to family, nation or tradition. It tore at the very heart of unity in the empire and created a schism in the very same people. This seems to be the threat of the Abrahamic religions as a whole, and one would heed the voices from the past to see the threat to nations today where many of the above are unfolding.
Proceeding to today's age and one may see multiple parallels to what is happening in India today against Hindus.  In Part II I would follow the same theme today as to how Christianity has surged ahead in India using many of the same themes. If such a surge is not stopped, we may see the relics of Hindus scattered and collected in museums. Our temples destroyed and converted to Churches or Mosques, with a few scratchings on the wall to remember us by. 

8) pg 281 Pagans and Christians : Robin Lane Fox. 

12) Pg 664 - 672 Pagans and Christians : Robin Lane Fox